Giant Trevally research and conservation at the Alphonse Group
Appeared in The Seychelles Nation newspaper, written by Gail Fordham.
Article on our most recent work in the Seychelles involving Giant Trevally and improved fisheries management.
All Hail the Silver King
Article written by Dr. Lucas Griffin and Dr. Andy Danylchuk for Texas Fish and Game Magazine (November/December 2020)
Bonefish and Tarpon Trust’s Tag Tarpon: Multi-Year Study Aims to Better Understand Tarpon Movement and Habitat use.
Appeared in The Virginia Sportsman Magazine
Trouble with Tarpon, an Early Riser Coffee Roasters video
Insights on the tarpon fishery and conservation needs, an Early Riser Coffee Roasters and Bonefish and Tarpon Trust collaboration piece.
Changing Seas Bring ‘Turtle Stranding Season’ to Cape Cod
Appeared in the New York Times Dec 2019. By Kendra Pierre-Louis
Once Upon a Tide, Ryan Brod The Drake Magazine
Featured in this article on the Palolo Worm hatch in the Florida Keys.
Warming seas increase cold-stunning events for Kemp’s ridley sea turtles in the northwest Atlantic
Based on our most recent publication:
Warming seas increase cold-stunning events for Kemp’s ridley sea turtles in the northwest Atlantic
Boston Globe:
Cape Cod Times:
The Wildlife Society:
Texas Climate News:
Massive Science:
Ocean Bites:
Silver Kings on Discovery Channel
Bonefish and Tarpon Trust is a proud conservation partner of the Silver Kings show on the Discovery Channel. At the end of each episode (Discovery Channel @ 7:30 AM EST) a “conservation minute” from BTT research fellows and associates is highlighted.
For Tarpon Catch & Release tips (Luke Griffin).
For information on Ethical Fishing Practices (Luke Griffin).
For an overview on our Tarpon Acoustic Telemetry Tagging Project (advisor Dr. Andy Danylchuk).
PBS Changing Seas: Fishing the Flats for Science
To get an inside look, Emmy winning show, Changing Seas, joins us and Bonefish and Tarpon Trust from Florida to the Bahamas. Click here to watch!
"Flats fishing is popular with recreational anglers in the Caribbean and the Florida Keys. But until recently, little was known about tarpon, bonefish and permit – the species most coveted by sports fishermen. Now scientists are studying the fish to better understand their movements, habitat, and spawning behaviors."