The Cape Eleuthera Institute
May 2011 - July 2013
Field research assistant during three summer seasons and one winter season for a juvenile bonefish (Albula vulpes) ecology study on Eleuthera Island, Bahamas. Responsible for systematic seining of coastal habitats for juvenile bonefish and subsequent collection of otoliths. I also conducted a independent research project, analyzing the diets of juvenile bonefish and mojarra.
Collaboration / assistance with additional research projects based at CEI: use of inshore and offshore long-lines to catch and tag sharks, assisted in snorkel surveys to assess the effects of invasive lionfish on patch reef communities, capture of adult bonefish with nets and fly rods and tagged for population and migration studies, use of respirometer in tank studies of fish to measure potential effects of temperature and salinity changes on fish physiology, assisted with the maintenance of aquaculture tanks for cobia.
Experience includes: regularly interviewed local fishers for ecological knowledge of bonefish habitats, use of larval channel nets and light traps, boat operation, advanced scuba certification, taught a variety of field labs for primary and high school students (e.g. best handling practices for catch-and-release fishing, mangrove ecology and conservation, and sustainable fisheries strategies)